根据1993—1998 京西北地区ML≥1.0 级地震活动分析研究得出:张北6.2 级地震发生在东西向第四纪断裂带与万全断裂带的复合部位上,震前万全断裂带和紫荆关断裂带近年来地震活动频繁,并且在万全断裂带上有明显的地震由北向南再由南向北的迁移活动。1993 年以后波速比、孕震空区、地震迁移等可供分析的前兆信息很丰富。
By analysis and study of M 1≥1.0 earthquakes activities in the northwest area of Beijing in 1993-1998,it has been obtained that the Zhangbei M6.2 earthquake occurred on the composite position of the east-west striking Quarternary fault and Wanquan fault.The seismic activities were frequant on Wanguan fault and Zijingguan fault in recent years before the earthquake,and there was an obvious seismic migrating activity from north to south on the Wanquan fault.There is abundant precursory information of VP/VS ratio,seismogenic gap and seismic migration after1993 for analysis.
North China Earthquake Sciences