对于句子"(天)正在下雨"中是否存在着John Perry所称的"未述成分",以表明下雨地点的这一问题,当代语言哲学各家给出了不同的解答。本文着重分析Stanley反对"未述成分"的两个论证,即"约束论证"和"强生成论证",试图反驳Stanley的观点。进而表明在言语交流中,"(天)正在下雨"这一语句确实存在着没有明白说出的构成成分,说话者通过运用语用规则来"填充"这一成分。最后,借助Lewis的框架,作者刻画了"未述成分"是如何由语用规则衍生并且限制的。
The sentence "It is raining" raises the question whether there is any unarticulated constituent referring to the location of the rain. Two of Stanley's arguments (binding argument and over-generation argument) against unarticulated constituents are explored and the conclu- sion is that the location is indeed unarticulated and the process of generating it is rather prag- matic. Moreover, how the process get constrained by pragmatic rules will be presented in terms of Lewis's framework.
Studies in Logic