
序贯诱导法治疗高危急性非淋巴细胞白血病 被引量:2

Treatment to high-risk acute non-lymphocytic leukemia with sequential induction
摘要 目的探讨小剂量HA(LD—HA)方案及标准方案序贯诱导法治疗高危急性非淋巴细胞白血病(ANLL)的疗效。方法对50例不适合常规诱导的高危ANLL患者(LD—HA组)进行了序贯诱导。第1个周期诱导方案为LD.HA,首次诱导仍未缓解者,更换为标准方案(DA或HA)诱导。选择同期以DA或HA方案诱导治疗的23例ANLL患者(DA/HA组)作为对照,最多诱导2个周期。结果LD.HA组患者完全缓解率为80.0%(40/50),诱导过程死亡2例;中位无瘤生存时间为19.6个月,中位生存时间为12.2个月;1、3、5年生存率分别为57.0%、24.1%、18.8%。DA/HA组共17例完全缓解,缓解率为73.9%;中位无瘤生存时间为19.8个月,中位生存时间为12.1个月;1、3、5年生存率分别为56.58%、27.1%、27.1%,两组相比,1、3、5年生存率差异无统计学意义(Х^2值分别为0.009、0.237、1.807,P值均〉0.05)。结论以LD—HA及标准方案序贯诱导高危ANLL患者,可获得较高的完全缓解率及长期生存率。 Objective To investigate the outcome of high-risk acute non-lymphocytic leukemia treated with sequential low-dose cytarabine and harringtonine(LD-HA) and standard induction. Methods 50 high-risk ANLL patients (LD-HA group) who were regarded as unfit for intensive chemotherapy were chosen to receive LD-HA. Reinductive treatments with standard regimens would be given for those who did not achieve complete remission. 23 patients DA/HA group given two cycles of standard inductive regimens were taken as the control. Results In LD-HA group 80.0 % (40/50) reached CR, 2 patients died shortly after inductive therapy. The median leukemia-free survival(LFS) was 19.6 months, and the median overall survival (OS) was 12.2 months. Overall survival was 57.0 % at 1 year, 24.1% at $ years, and 18.8 % at 5 years. While the CR rate was 73.9 % for DA/HA group, and none died during the inductive therapy. LFS and OS was 19.8 months and 12.1 months, respectively. OS rate was 56.58 % at 1 year, 27.1% at 3 years, and 27.1% at 5 years. There were no difference on OS rates between 2 groups (Х^2 were 0.009, 0.237 and 1.807, respectively, P 〉0.05). Conclusion In patients who were unfit for intensive chemotherapy, sequential therapy with LD-HA and standard induction improved the rate of complete remission and the duration of survival.
出处 《白血病.淋巴瘤》 CAS 2011年第3期147-150,共4页 Journal of Leukemia & Lymphoma
关键词 白血病 非淋巴细胞 急性 序贯诱导 抗肿瘤联合化疗方案 治疗结果 Leukemia, non-lymphocytic, acute Sequencial induction Antineoplastic combined chemotherapy protocols Treatment outcome
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