
缺血性结肠炎的临床表现和内镜特点 被引量:1

The Clinical Characteristics and Endoscopic Performance of Ischemic Colitis
摘要 目的探讨分析缺血性结肠炎的临床和肠镜特点,为临床早期诊断提供合理依据。方法对本院31例缺血性结肠炎的临床和内镜表现进行回顾性总结。结果大多数患者有基础疾病,包括高血压、糖尿病、心脑血管疾病、肝硬化,且发病与季节有关。临床表现主要是腹痛和便血。内镜下形态特点有:黏膜有蓝紫色小斑点结节;与正常黏膜分界清楚;活检出血少;随访观察病变恢复快。结论提高对缺血性结肠炎的认识,早期应用结肠镜检查可以提高缺血性结肠炎的正确诊断率。 Objective To analysis the characteristics of the ischemic colitis clinical and enteroscope. Provides the reasonable basis for the clinical early diagnosis. Methods Retrospective analyzed the clinical and enteroscope features data of 21 patients with ischemic colitis. Results The majority patients have the basic disease such as hypertension,diabetes mellitus,cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease,hepatocirrhosis;and the occurrence of diseases is relevant to the change of season. The clinical manifestation were abdominal pain and bloody stool. Colonoscopy showed the mucous membrane has the royal purple speckle tubercle; clear with the normal mucous membrane dividing line;the biopsy bleeds few;the revisit observation pathological change restores quickly. Conclusion Clinician should in prove the recognition of acute is chemic colitis. The early use of colonoscopy could raise accuracy rate of early diagnosis of ischemic colitis.
作者 曾国顺
出处 《中国现代医生》 2011年第9期88-89,94,F0003,共4页 China Modern Doctor
关键词 缺血性结肠炎 结肠镜 临床特点 Ischemic colitis Colonoscopy Characteristics of clinical
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