研究了聚乙烯同轴电视 (CATV)电缆物理发泡绝缘料的配方和流变性能 ,并进行了应用试验。以高密度聚乙烯 (HDPE)为主料 ,LDPE为改性剂 ,添加适当的抗氧剂、金属钝化剂及加工助剂 ,研制成功CATV电缆物理发泡绝缘料。应用结果表明所生产的CATV电缆的主要性能衰减常数 (2 0 0MHz 3 .1,80 0MHz 7.1)优于进口同类产品。绝缘料属非牛顿流体 。
The prescriptions and rheology of physical foaming PE insulant for CATV cable were studied,and the application test of the insulant was done. The physical foaming PE insulant for CATV were prepared by mixing HDPE as the primary material, LDPE as the modifier and suitable auxiliaries such as antioxidants, metal passivators,processing modifiers.The results of application showed that the primary properties of the preparate CATV cables were superior to the import similar goods , such as decay constants( 3.1 under 200MHz, 7.1 under 800MHz). The insulant was the non-Newtonian fluid,and its shear sensitivity was bigger than temperature sensitivity.
Modern Plastics Processing and Applications