
双胎妊娠98例临床分析 被引量:1

A Study of 98 Cases Twin Pregnancy on the Maternal and Fetal Harm
摘要 目的:了解双胎妊娠对母婴的危害。方法:对近3年收治的98例双胎妊娠进行回顾性分析。结果:98例双胎妊娠中,合并妊娠期高血压疾病16例,发生率16.33%;妊娠贫血29例,发生率29.59%;羊水过多11例,发生率11.22%;胎膜早破12例,发生率12.24%;产程中出现宫缩乏力41例,发生率68.33%;产后出血14例,发生率14.29%;早产28例,发生率28.57%,其中早产儿死亡3例;胎儿生长受限29例,发生率29.59%;胎方位异常46例,发生率46.94%;双胎输血综合征3例,发生率3.06%;新生儿窒息6例,发生率6.12%。结论:一旦双胎妊娠,必须严密监护,向孕妇做详细宣教,加强产前检查,完善保健措施,及时处理并发症。 Objective: To study the harm of the twin pregnancy on the maternal and fetal harm.Method: 98 cases outpatients with the twin pregnancy for nearly 3 years was retrospectively analysed.Result: Of 98 cases with twin pregnancy,16 cases(16.33%) complicated with pregnancy-induced hypertension;29 cases pregnancy anemia(29.59%);11 cases polyhydramnios(11.22%);12 cases of premature rupture of membranes(12.24%);41 cases birth process appears hypodynamic(68.33%);14 cases postpartum hemorrhage(14.29%);28 cases preterm birth(28.57%) and 3 cases of premature death;29 cases fetal growth restriction(29.59%);46 cases fetal azimuth(46.94%);3 cases double twin transfusion syndrome(3.06%);6 cases asphyxia(6.12%).Conclusion: The twin pregnancy women should be closely monitored,do more missionary,strengthen antenatal,perfected health measures,timely treated the complications.
作者 李林娜
出处 《河北医学》 CAS 2011年第3期386-388,共3页 Hebei Medicine
关键词 双胎妊娠 母婴危害 Twin pregnancy Maternal and fetal harm
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