
舰艇编队Ad Hoc网络信任模型

Research on Trustmodel in Ad Hoc Networks for Naval Ships Formation
摘要 将引入权重的门限秘密共享方案与基于身份的签名方案相结合,针对海上舰艇编队网络通信簇结构提出了一个Ad Hoc网络信任模型。在模型中,系统自身完成密钥对的分发,所有簇首共享系统私钥。任意t份系统私钥分量就可恢复出系统私钥,完成编队成员的身份认证。系统周期更新密钥,可有效防御恶意攻击。 A new Ad Hoc networks trustmodel of naval ships formation based on weight threshold cryptography and identity-based cryptography was presented for the communication of naval ships formation based-on cluster networks structure.In the trustmodel,the key distribution was completed by itself,all of the head cluster share system private key.The system private key can be resumed by any t pieces of share secret key weight,complete the identity authentication for formation members.The secret key can be refreshed in a period to stand against vicious attack.
作者 陈涛 周学广
出处 《火力与指挥控制》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第3期111-114,共4页 Fire Control & Command Control
关键词 AD HOC网络 秘密共享 权重 Ad Hoc Network secret sharing weight cluster
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