目的 探讨高血压病中遗传因素对细胞膜离子转运的影响。方法 分为有家族史(FH+) 高血压组23 例和无家族史(FH-) 高血压组29 例,25 例健康人作对照组。红细胞45Ca2+ 内流用液态闪烁计数器测定,细胞内Na+ 浓度([Na+]i)和红细胞哇巴因敏感钠外流速度常数(oKos) 用火焰光度法测定;测定不同外向H+ 浓度梯度时的Na+ 内流,计算出Na+ /H+ 交换最大速率Vmax。结果 FH+ 和FH- 高血压病组红细胞Na+ /H+ Vmax 交换和45Ca2+ 内流均高于对照组,Na+ 泵活性低于对照组;FH+ 高血压病患者Na+ 泵活性高于FH- 高血压病组,但45Ca2 + 内流较低。在FH+ 高血压病患者中,收缩压与年龄呈正相关,舒张压与红细胞45Ca+ 内流呈正相关。结论 高血压病遗传因素可导致Ca2+ 转运异常,细胞膜对Ca2+ 被动通透性增加及胞内可交换游离Ca2+ 池扩大参与遗传性高血压的发病机制。
Objective To investigate the effects of heredity on transmembrane ion transport in essential hypertension (EH). Methods 52 essential hypertensives were divided into two groups, 23 with positive family history (FH +) and 29 with negative family history (FH -). The rate constant of ouabain sensitive sodium efflux ( oK os ) was measured as the half of the increase in erythrocyte Na + concentration during incubation with ouabain for 2 hours, oK os was calculated by an equation and the maximal rate (Vmax) of red cells Na +/H + exchange was determined as the Na + influx promoted by an outward H + gradient. Intracellular Na + concentration was measured with flame photometry and 45 Ca 2+ influx in ATP depleted red cells with liquid scintillation counting. Results The red cell Na +/H + exchange and 45 Ca 2+ in flux were significantly higher but the oK os lower in both the FH + and FH - groups than in the controls. FH + group demonstrated a significantly higher oK os and lower Ca 2+ influx as compared with those in FH - group. In FH + group, systolic blood pressure was positively correlated with age, while diastolic blood pressure positively correlated with 45 Ca 2+ influx. Conclusion Our data show a genetic contribution to abnormal membrane transport in hypertension. There is a defect in membrane permeability to Ca 2+ and a greater exchangeable pool of cytosolic free Ca 2+ in FH + group that participate in the pathogenesis of inherited hypertension.
Chinese Journal of Internal Medicine
Hypertension Genetics Ion transport