为解决尺桡骨远端不稳定性骨折固定困难的问题,经长期研究,设计出一种以改良传统前臂背侧长夹板和腕部牵引套及拉力牵引装置组成的前臂骨折牵引固定器,。经210 例治疗观察,随防6 个月~2 年,治疗前后X 线检查及临床疗效评定优186 例,良18 例,可6 例。认为该固定器操作简便,固定牢靠,有持续牵引作用,能使骨折局部固定和持续牵引相结合,且不介入体内,疗效可靠,是一种治疗尺桡骨远端不稳定性骨折比较新颖和理想的外固定器具。
To solve the difficulty in the fixation of unstable fractures of the distal radius and ulna, the authors, based on the modification of the routine fixation with the lengthened dorsal forearm splints and of the traction cuff and tensioning traction equipment of the wrist, developed traction fixator for forearm fracture and used it to treat 210 cases of unstable distal forearm fracture. Evaluated according to the pre and post therapeutic X ray and clinical examinations, the results of the follow up of 6-24 months were excellent in 186 cases, good in 18 and fair in 6. It was believed that the fixator has simple operation, rigid fixation and continuous traction effect, combining the local fixation and the continuous traction without the invasion of the body. It produces a reliable therapeutic effect and is a new and rational external fixator for unstable distal forearm fracture.
The Journal of Traditional Chinese Orthopedics and Traumatology
unstable fracture of the distal radius and ulna/treatment fracture immobilization, external traction fixator for forearm fracture/instrument and equipment clinical study