
某类重特大火灾数值模拟研究 被引量:2

Numerical Simulation for Special-typed Big Fires
摘要 某酒吧火灾、深圳舞王俱乐部火灾和福建长乐拉丁酒吧火灾的发生场所和火灾原因类似,且短时间就造成大量人员伤亡,研究这类火灾防控措施有较好的意义。本文利用FDS软件构造某酒吧的火灾模型,合理分析场所的人员情况设定疏散模拟参数,根据火场情况设定合适的火灾场景,分析热辐射、烟气温度、烟气毒性、烟气能见度等参数的变化过程,并得到可用疏散时间。结合CFE软件进行人员疏散过程模拟,模拟的预期火灾人员伤亡与实际情况较好相符;并对不同的可燃物类型、消防设施状况和待疏散人数进行火灾后果分析,可燃物分析结果说明装修用聚氨酯泡沫吸音棉是造成火灾极速蔓延的直接原因,这类材料产生大量的有毒浓烟,很快就造成人员伤亡;不同消防设施模拟分析的结果体现了自动消防设施的重要作用,公共娱乐场所的自动喷水灭火系统应推广快速响应喷头,未按国家标准安装自动消防设施是造成重大火灾人员伤亡的成灾原因;对酒吧不同待疏散人数的火灾预期伤亡数定量分析证明了公共娱乐场所定员管理的重要意义;模拟分析的结果可用于此类火灾成因分析和火灾防控措施研究。 Causes and sites of several fires occurred in a bar,the Dancer King Club in Shenzhen City,and the Forever-joy Latin Club in Fujian Province are similar.Heavy casualties caused by fire in the short time.Therefore,it is worthwhile to study fire prevention and control measures.The advantage of the FDS software is taken to construct a fire model of the bar.The evacuation simulation parameter can be rationally set through the rational analysis involving on site situation of persons.By setting the appropriate fire scene according to the actual fires,the software can analyze the parameter change of the heat radiation,smoke temperature,smoke toxicity,and smoke visibility in order to figure out the available evacuation time.Combined with CFE software to simulate the evacuation process,fire consequence analysis has been carried out in accordance with the different fuel types,fire facilities,and the number of evacuated persons.Fuel analysis results show that renovation of polyurethane foam sound-absorbing cotton weakens fire technology and is direct cause of the fire spreading speed.The materials can produce large amounts of toxic smoke and cause casualties in a short period.The simulation results of different fire-fighting facilities reflect the important role played by automatic fire-fighting facilities.The quick response sprinkler heads should be promoted for the sprinkler system in public amenities.The reason for large number of casualties is that automatic fire-fighting facilities not been installed in accordance with national standards.The quantitative analysis of the anticipated casualties in the different number of evacuated persons has proved that the fixed member of fire control manager in the public amenities has a great significant.The results can be used to analyze the causes of fires and fire prevention measures.
作者 袁杰 申世飞
出处 《科技导报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第11期42-47,共6页 Science & Technology Review
关键词 火灾 FDS模拟 CFE模拟 数值分析 fire FDS simulation CFE simulation numerical analysis
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