
常规超声和超声弹性成像联合在诊断不同大小乳腺病变中的应用 被引量:13

Conventional Ultrasound and Ultrasound Elastography in the Diagnosis of Different Size Joint of Breast Lesions
摘要 目的:探讨超声弹性成像在诊断大小不同乳腺病变中的价值。方法:采用常规超声及超声弹性成像对156例患者共170个乳腺病灶进行检查,利用改良5分评分法进行评价。所有患者均行手术经病理证实。结果:常规超声联合弹性成像对≤3cm的乳腺病变的诊断灵敏度显著高于常规超声(P<0.01),其中联合诊断对于≤1cm病灶的灵敏度可达到100%。而对于>3cm乳腺病灶的超声弹性成像特异性很高,但是其诊断的灵敏度较低结论:常规超声与超声弹性成像的联合诊断,提高了乳腺恶性病变的检出率。对于1cm以下的乳腺小病灶联合诊断的优势极显无疑,弹性成像对大于3cm的乳腺病变检诊特异性高。 Objective: To Discussion that Ultrasound elastography in the diagnosis of breast lesions of different sizes value.Methods: Conventional ultrasound and ultrasound elastography in 156 patienls with 170 breast lesions were checked using a modified scoring method for evaluation 5.All patients underwent surgery confirmed by pathology.Results:Conventional ultrasound elastography of breast lesions≤ 3cm diagnostic sensitivity was significantly higher than conventional ultrasound(P〈0.01), which combined diagnostic sensitivity fbr lesions ≤1 cm up to 100%.As for 〉3cm ultrasound elastography of breast lesions in a high specificity, but its diagnostic sensitivity is low.Conclusions: Conventional ultrasound combined with diagnostic ultrasound elastography to improve the detection rate of breast malignancy. 1 cm below the joint diagnosis of small breast lesions is undoubtedly very significant advantage,flexible imaging of breast lesions greater than 3era high specificity Detection and Diagnosis.
作者 武燕 王宪涛
出处 《中国医药导刊》 2011年第2期251-252,共2页 Chinese Journal of Medicinal Guide
关键词 超声 弹性成像 乳腺 鉴别诊断 Ultrasound Elastography Breast Differential diagnosis
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