通过在高岭土—石英—钠钾长石的配料中引入10% wt 以上的滑石粘土,使配方组成趋于R2O- Al2O3 - SiO2- MgO系统。这种组成的坯体在1170℃、45min 下烧成的砖吸水率低(0.22% ),抗弯曲强度高(68 .38MPa),各项性能指标均符合国家建材行业标准JC/T663- 1997《瓷质砖》
Tale-clay is rich in Jiangxi province.This paper is describad that produce porcelain exterior-wall-tile using Kaoline guartz Na-k feldspar and talc-clay and talc-clay is more that 10%wt in formula of the bodies.The chemical composition is based on R 2O-SiO 2-Al 2O 3-MgO system Under the firing temperature was 1170℃ and firing period was 45min,the wall-tile's water absorption is 0.22%,Flexural strength is 68.38MPa.It's porperties accorded with the standard JC/T665-1997 《porcelain-tile》.
China Ceramic Industry