考虑到多层组织共享秘密,设计了多层门限秘密共享方案。本文方案安全性基于RSA密码体制、Sham ir门限方案以及哈希函数的安全性。方案中,秘密份额由参与者选择和保存,秘密分发者也不知晓。每个参与者只须维护一个秘密份额,可实现对多个秘密的共享。方案不需要安全信道,算法能够保障信息安全传送以及验证真实性。
A multi-layered threshold secret sharing scheme is proposed considering the fact that Secret Sharing among multi-layered organizational structure.The security of the scheme is based on the RSA cryptosystem and Shamir threshold secret sharing scheme and hash function.In the scheme,each participant′s secret shadow is selected and saved by himself and even the secret dealer know nothing about it.Each participant can share many secrets with other participants by holding only one secret shadow.The scheme do not require a secure channel between each participant and the dealer,also algorithm can guarantee secure delivery and verify authenticity of information.
Journal Of Guangzhou City Polytechnic