
美国司法语境下法律解释的宪政困境及其消解 被引量:2

On the Constitutional Predicament and Settlement of the Legal Interpretation in American Judicial Context
摘要 分权的政治逻辑要求法官在司法过程中保持克制与谦抑以维护多数主义的民主价值,然而解释学的本体论转向使法官解释的能动性成为既成事实,通过司法实现正义又成为美国宪政制度的法治追求。分权逻辑与解释学逻辑在话语上的对立构成民主与法治的张力,形成法律解释的宪政困境,这从根本上缘于西方宪政民主制度内在的结构矛盾。在美国司法语境下,对于法律解释的宪政困境存在着司法积极主义和司法消极主义两种司法哲学的对立,温和的司法积极主义对于法律解释宪政困境的缓解是可行的理论进路。 Separation process so as to safeguard of power requires that judges maintain self - restrained and modest in the judicial the democratic value of the majority. However, the ontology turn of legal interpretation entails creativity of the judge to actualize the judicial justice, which is the pursuit of American eonstitutionalism. The discourse contradiction between separation of power and the logic of legal interpretation results in a tension between democracy and rule of law, that is, the constitutional predicament caused by the inner structural contradiction in western constitutional democracy. and passivism coexist and the moderate judicial activism is a In American judicial context, judicial activism feasible approach to the constitutional predicament.
作者 王彬
机构地区 南开大学法学院
出处 《北方法学》 2011年第2期104-111,共8页 Northern Legal Science
基金 南开大学2009年度人文社会科学校内文科青年项目"法律解释的本体与方法"(项目编号NKQ09031)的阶段性研究成果
关键词 麦迪逊困境 司法积极主义 司法消极主义 解释学转向 Madison predicament judicial activism judicial passivism interpretive turn
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