

An Analysis of the Content,Value,and Factor of the Employment Capacity
摘要 本文契合当前就业现状,从劳动力供给与需求两个方面对就业能力内涵、研究价值以及影响能力持久性的因素进行分析,以基础性的研究成果丰富人力资源管理理论。 Since 1940s,Beveridge,a British economist,has proposed the concept of employability.The field of theory and management practice are increasingly concerned about employability.According to the status of current employment,the paper analyzes the content of employability,the value,and factors of affecting the ability persistently from the two aspects of labor supply and demand. Hence,the fundamental research will enrich human resource management.
作者 金星彤
出处 《吉林省教育学院学报》 2011年第4期88-89,共2页 Journal of Jilin Provincial Institute of Education
基金 大连市社会科学院项目 就业能力持久性研究--基于大连市地区就业 再就业问题的思考 10dlsk321
关键词 就业能力 内涵 价值 因素分析 employability connotation value factors
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