
民用炸药敏感度试验方法的研究与探讨 被引量:2

The Study of Sensitivity Testing Methods of Civil Explosives
摘要 敏感度试验的传统试验方案是在规定的刺激水平上进行规定次数的试验,如果试样不发生感应,即判为合格,否则即判为不合格。该文以煤矿炸药瓦斯安全性为例,对此进行了比较详细的探讨,f=0/5这种传统试验方案是不可靠和不科学的,并提出半数感应量是比较合理的试验方案。 In the conventional sensitivity testing methods for civil explosives,the explosive sample is tested at regular stimulus level for regular times.If the explosive sample is not reacted or not stimulated,then the explosive tested is regarded as qualified,or otherwise it is unqualified.In this paper,the sensitivity testing methods of civil explosives are studied in detail,and the gas safety of coalmine explosive is taken as an example.It is found that the conventional testing method of f=0/5 is unreliable and unscientific while that of the half reaction amount is reasonable.
出处 《爆破器材》 CAS 2011年第2期8-10,13,共4页 Explosive Materials
关键词 炸药 敏感度 巷道试验 半数感应量 鉴别比 explosives sensitivity tunnel testing half reaction amount identifying ratio
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