目的测定冠心病患者的血管性血友病因子(von Willebrand Factor,vWF)水平,探讨vWF与冠心病再发或新发急性冠脉事件的关系。方法本研究共纳入119例确立性冠心病患者和83名健康对照者。取冠心病患者(包括急性冠脉综合征、稳定型心绞痛)和健康对照者血液各5 ml,用酶联免疫吸附法测定两组血vWF∶Ag浓度。对冠心病患者进行1年随访,追踪治疗及预后情况,用多因素logistic回归分析vWF与冠心病急性心血管事件的关系。结果 (1)vWF与冠心病近期急性事件明显相关(b=1.93,P=0.000,OR=6.86)。(2)vWF、hs-CRP与急性事件的关系中,vWF较hs-CRP与冠脉事件的相关性更强(OR2.54 VS 1.55)。结论 (1)vWF∶Ag是冠心病的危险因素,可作为预测冠心病近期急性心血管事件发作的标志物。(2)对于冠心病近期急性心血管事件的预测,似乎vWF∶Ag更优于hs-CRP。
Objective The aim of this study was to investigate the levels of von Willebrand Factor of patients with acute coronary syndrome and stable angina pectoris so as to explore the relationship between levels of vWF and the recurrent acute coronary events in the coming 1 year.Methods Fasting blood samples were collected from one hundred and nineteen hospital-based patients with documented coronary heart disease(CHD)and 83 healthy controls respectively in the study.Plasma vWF was measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA) in all groups.Patients with CHD were followed for 1 year.The conrelation of the recurrent cardiovascular events and the levels of vWF of patients with CHD was analysed by multiple variable logistic regression.Results(1)The plasma vWF level was strongly correlated with the acute events of CHD(b=1.93,P=0.000,OR=6.86).(2)The correlation between the vWF level and acute events is stronger than the hs-CRP level(OR 2.54 VS 1.55).Conclusion(1)vWF are the risk factors of CHD,and maybe act as the markers of predicting the acute events of CHD.(2)The vWF level may be better than the hs-CRP level in predicting the prognosis of the patients with CHD.