为了探讨单层辐射人羊膜对模型鼠烫伤创面敷盖治疗的疗效及愈合各阶段创面的组织学变化,我们观察了40 只Wistar 鼠深Ⅱ度烫伤创面。将单层辐射人羊膜和油纱对照贴敷创面进行观察,采用了活杀取材及电镜扫描检查法。结果表明,模型鼠创面用人羊膜贴敷侧比对照侧提前愈合。而且愈合创面外观是毛发规则丛生,皮肤具有弹性,表皮各层均为正常皮肤组织像。经动物实验,我们认为此膜无免疫排斥现象,无毒、无菌、无刺激性。而且能防止创面水分、电解质和蛋白质的丢失,增强其抵抗能力,避免其感染,加速其愈合。
To observe the effects of single layer radiation treated human amnion on surface of wound,forty wistar rats were burned,one side of wound was applied human amnion,the other side was applied oil pledget.Results were that the wounds with the human amnion healed earlier than the control groups.The healing skin is flexibility,hair grown regularly.Light and electron microscopic observations were carried out.Results suggested that the radiation treated human amnion had advantage on Ⅱ° burn healing.There was no immunologic rejection in experiment,the human amnion were a toxic,aseptic,with no irritation.It may facilitate epithelial growth,accelerate healing.
Journal of Harbin Medical University