
家庭友好计划的效应与机制研究:现状与展望 被引量:8

Studies of the Effects and Mechanisms of Family Friendly Programs: Review and Prospect
摘要 认为国内外关于家庭友好计划的研究主要从该计划的内容、效应、调节变量、作用机制等方面进行探讨。因而通过论述弹性工时制、远程办公、育儿服务等效应,考察个体、家庭和组织层面变量对家庭友好计划效应的调节作用,基于社会交换、组织支持和工作特征等理论视角探讨了家庭友好计划效应发生的内部机制,最后提出了家庭友好计划研究的方向。 Family Friendly Programs (FFP)are organizations to cope with the increasing work- iamlly comllct, lne domestic and international researches are mainly about FFP's contents, effects, moderating variables and operating mechanisms. By addressing the effects of working time flexibility, te]ecommuting and care - giving, discussing the moderating roles of three levels of variables from individual, family and organization and analyzing the internal processes from the approaches of social exchange theory, social support theory and job characteristic theory, this article proposes the future research directions of FFP.
出处 《西北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第2期30-35,共6页 Journal of Northwest University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(7067206171072150)
关键词 家庭友好计划 工作家庭冲突 弹性工作制 远程办公 Family Friendly Programs work - family conflict working flexibility telecommuting
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