目的对于手术治疗小儿陈旧性肱骨髁上骨折42例体会进行探讨。方法笔者所在医院自2007年1月~2010年7月共收治小儿陈旧性肱骨髁上骨折42例,患并采用手术治疗,即切开复位。结果本组病例就诊后24 h内即明确诊断者38例(90.48%),就诊后2~4 d内明确诊断者4例(9.52%)。42例陈旧性肱骨髁上骨折患儿经过手术治疗后,显效(症状较治疗前明显减轻)22例(52.38%),有效(症状有所减轻)18例(42.86%),无效(治疗前后临床症状无改善)2例(4.76%),总有效率95.24%。有效的40例患儿骨折全部愈合,无延迟愈合或不愈合。骨折临床愈合时间6~11周,平均8.2周,未发生皮肤软组织感染、坏死。结论手术治疗小儿陈旧性肱骨髁上骨折效果良好。
Objective To discuss the experience of surgical treatment of old supracondylar fractures in 42 eases. Methods From January 2007 to July 2010 42 cases of old supracondylar fractures were collection in our hospital, patients were treated by surgery thatwas the open reduction. Results 38 cases were diagnosed after 24 hours (90. 48% ) , 4 cases were treated within 2 - 4 d after the diagnosis (9.52%). After surgery, 42 cases of old supraeondylar fractures in children, 22 patients were markedly (significantly reduced symptoms compared with before treatment) (52. 38% ) , 18 eases were ef- fective (symptoms alleviated) (42.86%), 2 cases were invalid (before and after treatment no improvement of symptoms) (4. 76% ), total efficiency was 95.24%. The fractures of 40 patients which were effective were all healed, no delayed or nonunion. The fracture healing time was 6 to 11 weeks, averaging 8.2 weeks, there was not without occurrence of skin and soft tissue infection and necrosis. Conclusion Surgical treatment of old supracondylar fractures was good effect.
Medical Innovation of China