目的:了解拟输血患者血源性传染病感染情况。方法:利用酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA)对1695例拟输血患者进行乙型肝炎病毒表面抗原(HBsAg),丙型肝炎病毒抗体(抗HCV)指标检测,用胶体金法筛查人类免疫缺陷病毒抗体(抗-HIV1/2),用血清反应素试验(TRUST)筛查梅毒抗体(TP)。结果:拟输血1 695例中HBsAg阳性患者92例,占5.43%,抗-HCV阳性患者9例,占0.53%,抗-HIV1/2阳性患者4例,占0.24%,TP阳性患者18例,占1.06%,检测阳性总数123例,总阳性率7.26%。结论:对拟输血患者进行输血前血源性感染疾病标志物检测非常重要,是避免和预防医院感染和医疗纠纷发生的重要手段,同时,对提高医护人员的自我保护意识,具有重要的现实意义。
Objective:To transfuse blood the patient hematogenous infectious disease infection situation.Methods:Uniting the immunity adsorption law using the enzyme(ELISA) to plan to 1695 examples to transfuse blood the patient to carry on the hepatitis B virus performance antigen(HBsAg),the hepatitis C virus immune body(anti-HCV) the target examination,with the colloid gold law screening human immunodeficiency virus immune body(anti-HIV1/2),(TRUST) screens syphilis immune body with the blood serum regain experiment(TP).Results: Finally,plans to transfuse blood in 1695 examples the HBsAg masculine patient 92 examples,accounts for 5.43%,the anti-HCV masculine patient 9 examples,account for 0.53%,the anti-HIV1/2 masculine patient 4 examples,occupy the 0.24%,TP masculine patient 18 examples,accounts for 1.06%,the examination masculine total 123 examples,always Masculine gender rate 7.26%.Conclusions: The conclusion before planning to transfuse blood the patient to carry on the blood transfusion the hematogenous infection illness sickness designated object examination is very important,is avoids and prevents the important means which the nosocomial infection and the medical dispute occurs,simultaneously,to enhances the medical care personnel to protect oneself consciousness,has the vital practical significance
Medical Journal of Chinese People’s Health
Before the blood transfusion
Hematogenous infectious disease
Designated object blood