

Cytotoxity study of a new compound pulp-capping agent in vitro
摘要 目的检测新型复合盖髓材料磷酸钙-硅酸钙-泡铋矿复合水门汀(calcium phosphate-calcium silicate-bis-muth compound cement,CASBi)的体外细胞毒性,并与临床常用盖髓材料的细胞毒性进行比较,为评价新型盖髓材料的生物相容性提供基础依据。方法采用四甲基偶氮唑盐(MTT)比色法和琼脂覆盖法,评价CASBi和商品化盖髓材料Dycal、氢氧化钙糊剂(calcium hydroxide,CH)对人牙髓细胞的体外细胞毒性作用。结果 MTT和琼脂覆盖法均显示CASBi的细胞毒性为1级,Dycal和CH的细胞毒性为2级。统计结果显示,MTT实验中,CASBi与Dycal、CH的吸光光度值间存在显著性差异(P<0.05)。结论新型复合盖髓材料CASBi具有轻微的细胞毒性,对牙髓组织的影响还有待进一步研究。 Objective To evaluate the cytotoxic effect of a new pulp-capping agent.MethodsUsing agar overlay test and tetrazolium-based colorimetric assay(MTT) in vitro,the cytotoxicity of the three pulp-capping agents,a new compound agent-CASBi,calcium hydroxide cavity lining and pulp-capping material – Dycal,calcium hydroxide paste(CH),to human pulp cell were evaluated.ResultsCytotoxicity of CASBi was 1 grade,while the cytotoxicity of Dycal and CH were 2 grade according MTT assay and agar overlay test.In the experimental groups the optical density(OD) of CASBi has significant difference compared with the other 2 materials(P〈0.05).ConclusionThe new compound pulp-capping agent,CASBi had slight cytotoxity.Further study on the influence of the CASBi towards pulp tissue should be taken.
出处 《西部医学》 2011年第4期606-609,共4页 Medical Journal of West China
基金 上海交通大学医学院博士创新基金资助(编号BXJ0731)
关键词 盖髓材料 细胞毒性 四甲基偶氮唑盐比色法 琼脂覆盖法 Pulp-capping agent Cytotoxicity Tetrazolium-based colorimetric assay Agar overlay test
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