
从奥巴马的施政纲领看美国的教育政策走向 被引量:1

An Analysis on the Trend of American Education Policies Based on the Outline of Obama's Policy
摘要 奥巴马从成为总统候选人那天起就注定成为全球关注的焦点,金融危机让美国在全球的影响力持续下滑,以变革为主线,重新激发美国人的梦想是奥巴马的首要任务。作为"教育改变命运的代表人物",奥巴马对教育怀有深厚的感情。创新幼儿教育,提升教育质量,促进教育公平,优化教师待遇体系等,这些举措必将对美国教育和国家建设产生深远的影响。 Obama has been attracting the global attention since he became the presidential candidate of Democratic Party.The United States' global influence continues to decline due to the global financial crisis,and thus,taking revolution as the main line,and remotivating American dream is Obama's primary task.As "A representative of education change the fate ",Obama has deep feelings on education.All of these measures which include innovating early childhood education,improving the quality of education,making education equitable,and optimizing teachers' treatment system,etc.will certainly have a profound impact on American education and the country's development.
作者 沈义正
出处 《高等理科教育》 2011年第2期67-71,125,共6页 Higher Education of Sciences
关键词 奥巴马教育新政 教育改革 未来挑战 Obama's new education policies education reform future challenges
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