
诗歌在西方历史中的地位——诗歌与哲学、宗教和科学的对立 被引量:2

Poetry's Status in Western History——Poetry's Conflict with Philosophy,Religion and Science
摘要 诗歌是西方最古老的文学体裁,深深根植于西方文化,至今已有两千五百多年的历史。诗歌在其历史演化过程中曾经与哲学、宗教和科学等对立。在古希腊古罗马诗歌与哲学二元对立,被哲学视为理性的扰乱者和社会秩序的颠覆者;在中世纪诗歌被宗教视为谎言散播者而被宗教桎梏,沦为宗教的工具和奴隶;在现代诗歌与科学激烈地论战,认为科学逻辑扼杀了语言的艺术性,诗歌试图恢复语言的艺术。从诗歌与其历史上的对立面的研究出发,阐释诗歌在不同时期和不同主导意识下的价值和历史地位。诗歌和其对立面,这一矛盾共存体引导诗歌的发展走向,促进了诗歌主题内容和形式的更新,谱写了西方诗歌的华美篇章。 Poetry is inseparably embedded in western culture,and as one of the most ancient genres it exists for more than two thousand years.Its historical development was once in conflict with philosophy,religion and science.In ancient Greece and Rome,poetry was antipodal to philosophy and was regarded as a disrupter of rationality and destroyer of social order;in Middle Ages,poetry was stigmatised as disseminator of falsehood and was antagonized by religion,falling into the hands of religion;in modern times,it debated with science whose logicality stupefied the artisticality of language,and poetry attempted to restore its artistic value.Through the comparative analysis on poetry's oppositionality,the value and historical positionality of poetry in history is thoroughly expounded,in order to demonstrate the fact that the conflict between poetry and others guides the development of poetry,renews the poetry in form and matter and creates the magnificent pageant of poetry in western history.
作者 杨林 张辉
出处 《哈尔滨工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2011年第1期119-123,共5页 Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 哈尔滨工业大学人文社会科学研究资助计划"后经典叙事视阈下的当代美国文学研究"(HIT.HSS.2009039)
关键词 诗歌 哲学 宗教 科学 价值和历史地位 西方文论 poetry philosophy religion science the value and historical positionality western literary criticism
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