探索猪脾乙肝特异性转移因子(PSHBV-TF)的制备方法,为临床提供合格的PSHBV-TF制品。方法:用乙肝疫苗辅以佐剂对猪进行全程免疫,然后从猪脾中提制PSHBV-TF;采用小鼠皮肤试验检测制品的特异性活性,并按卫生部规程要求对制品进行全检。结果:PSHBV-TF具有抗乙肝特异性活性,即能转移针对乙肝病毒的特异性细胞免疫反应; 3批制品所有项目符合规程要求。结论:本法可制备出合格的 PSHBV-TF制品,且适合于大规模化生产。
Purpose:The method of preparing hepatitis B specific transfer factor with pig spleen (PSHBV-TF) should be explored in order to provide qualified PSHBV--TF product for clinical uses. methods: Pigs were whole course immunized with hepatitis B vaccine and subsidiary adjuvant; PSHBV--TF was refined from the pigs spleens. The specific activity of PSHBV--TF was determined by means of the mouse skin test. All items of the products were wholly deteCted according to the requirements of Ministry of Public Health. Results: PSHBV--TF has a anti--hepalitis B specific activity, i. e. it can transter specific cell immunoreaction against hepatitis B virus. 3 lots of products accord with the requirements. Conclusion: Qualified PSHBV--TF product can be produced by adopting this method. The method is suitable to large stale production.
Chinese Journal of Biochemical Pharmaceutics