

Discussions on Teaching Methods of Modern Electronic Circuits
摘要 “现代电子线路”是一门重要的电气类专业基础课,是有效培养适应新时期发展的具有创新精神和实践能力的高素质人才的重要实践环节。但是,目前该课程教学中体现的问题影响并制约了教学的质量。本文在分析课程特点的基础上,笔者试着从理论教学、实践教学和教学手段三个方面提出了可行性的建议。在该课程的精品课程教学实践中,证明该方法是行之有效的。 Modern electronic circuits is an important electronic course, it was majorprctice link for cultivating the high quality talents with creative spirit and practical ability to adapt new period development. However, there exists lots of problems in the process of teaching which influence and restrict the quality of teaching. This paper is designed to provide feasible suggestions from such aspects as theory teaching, practise teaching, and teaching methods. It was proved that the method was effective in teaching practice of excellent course.
出处 《电气电子教学学报》 2010年第B10期45-47,50,共4页 Journal of Electrical and Electronic Education
关键词 现代电子线路 理论教学 实践教学 教学手段 modern electronic circuits theory teaching practise teaching teaching methods
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