
林森与国民参政会 被引量:1

Lin Sen and the National Political Council
摘要 林森是国民党元老之一,自1931年12月起担任国民政府主席,直至1943年8月逝世。在他参加的国务活动中,出席国民参政会并发表训词占有很重要的地位。林森身为国民参政会的倡导者之一,早在1932年他就力主召开国民参政会。1938年他在武汉主持国民党临时全国代表大会,促使通过了《国民参政会组织条例》,同年4月12日国民政府公布了这一条例;林森作为国民参政会的积极引导者,曾多次亲临会场致开幕训词。他关于国民参政会的历次讲话明确指出了国民参政会的性质、任务与工作方法,其特点是高举孙中山及其三民主义的旗帜、对抗日战争有比较科学的认识、强调团结抗日、具有世界战略眼光。国民参政会的参政员包容了各抗日党派的代表,在林森关于国民参政会的历次讲话中找不到任何公开指责、批评共产党的言辞,由此也可看出他与此相关的一些政治态度。 As one of the Kuomintang senior statesmen,Lin Sen had served a Chairman of the National Government from December in 1931 to August in 1943 when he passed away.In his state affair activity,it occupied the very important status that he attended the National Political Council which was the country highest consultation institution during the Period of the Anti-Japanese War and published exhortation.Lin Sen was one of the advocator in the National Political Council.As early as in 1932 he advocated strongly the convening of the National Political Council.In 1938 he presided at the Kuomintang Provisional National Congress in Wuhan and urged to adopt "the Organic Acts of the National Political Council" which was announced by the National Government on April 12.As the positive guide of the National Political Council,Lin Sen held the type exhortation of the meeting several times in person.His speech on the National Political Council clearly pointed out the nature,tasks and working methods of the National Political Council,which was characterized by holding the banner of Sun Yat-sen and the Three People's Principles,having the more scientific knowledge on the Anti-Japanese War,having the world strategic vision,emphasizing the unity of the Anti-Japanese.The members of the National Political Council contained each opposition to Japan parties' and groups' representative and it was very commendable at that time because we could not find any public accused and critical comments to the Communist Party among all the previous speech.
作者 邵雍
出处 《徐州师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2011年第2期89-93,共5页 Journal of Xuzhou Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
基金 上海市重点学科中国近现代史(S30404) 上海市普通高校人文社科重点研究培育基地中国近代社会研究中心(SJ0703)项目
关键词 林森 国民参政会 抗日战争 Lin Sen the National Political Council Anti-Japanese War
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