以玉米芯填充生物过滤塔并用于净化含氨废气。着重研究了填料类型、含水率、进气流量、填料高度等因素对净化效果的影响。结果表明:天然玉米芯的饱和吸附容量比珍珠岩高221.4 g-NH3·m-3-填料,净化效果优于珍珠岩;当含水率为41.25%时,天然玉米芯的吸附容量最大,为308.3 g-NH3·m-3-填料;进气NH3质量浓度低于271.2 mg·m-3时,0.3、0.5、0.8 m3·h-1三种进气流量下的净化效率均高于93%,考虑去除负荷,0.8 m3·h-1为最佳进气流量;生物滤塔的去除率随填料高度变化,当进气NH3浓度低于121.1 mg·m-3时,上、中、下部对去除率的贡献率分别为16.7%、53.7%、90.5%;微生物对净化效果起关键作用,试验运行期间挂膜滤塔净化效率稳定在95%以上。
The biofiltraion with corn-cob packing was adopted to decontaminate the ammonia-contaminated gas.The influences of packing materials,moisture content,intake flowrate,packing height and etc.on the decontamination of ammonia-contaminated gas were investigated.The results show that the purification effect of using natural corn-cob packing is much better than that of using perlite as packing,their saturated adsorption capacity values are 298.2 g-NH3 m 3-packing and 76.81 g-NH3 m 3-packing,respectively.The maximum adsorption capacity of natural corn-cob packing with moisture content of 41.25% approaches 308.3 g-NH3 m 3-packing,and when the intake NH3 contaminated gas flows are 0.3,0.5 and 0.8 m3 h 1,respectively,and the intake NH3 mass concentration is less than 271.2 mg m 3,the purification efficiency of using corn-cob packing is over 93%.Considering the removal load,0.8 m3?h-1 is the best intake flow rate for decontaminating NH3 contaminated gas with NH3 mass concentration less than 271.2 mg m 3.It was also found that the purification ratio of the biofiltration varies with the packing height.When the intake NH3 mass concentration is below 121.1 mg m 3,the contribution ratios of the upper-part,central-part and under-part of the packing height to the removal efficiency are 16.7%,53.7% and 90.5%,respectively.Microorganisms play an important role for the removal efficiency,and during the whole course of the experiment,the decontaminating efficiency of the corn-cob packing with biofilm culturing maintains above 95%.
Journal of Chemical Engineering of Chinese Universities