目的了解江西上饶地区非淋菌性尿道炎(NGU)患者解脲脲原体(Uu)、人型支原体(Mh)与沙眼衣原体(Ct)感染状况,分析支原体的耐药性,指导本地区临床合理用药。方法 采用支原体的分离鉴定与药敏试剂盒检测拟诊为NGU患者Uu与Mh,同时用实时荧光定量PCR(FQ-PCR)检测Ct,分析NGU病原体的构成比与支原体的耐药性。结果 886例标本中,Uu、Mh与Ct的检出率分别为41.4%、7.7%和14.4%,男性感染率明显低于女性。药敏试验结果显示,Uu、Mh和Uu+Mh对药物的敏感性最高者为交沙霉素和多西环素,Uu对罗红霉素、氧氟沙星和司帕沙星耐药性高,Mh及Uu+Mh则对罗红霉素、阿奇霉素和克拉霉素耐药性高。结论本地区NGU病原体构成主要为Uu,治疗本地区泌尿生殖道支原体感染可首选交沙霉素与多西环素。
Objective To investigate the infection rates of Ureaplasma urealyticum (Uu), Mycoplasma hominis (Mh) and Chlamydia trachomatis (Ct) and antibiotics resistance of Uu and Mh from the patients with nongonococcal urethritis (NGU) in Shangrao area and to conduct the clinical pharmacotherapy. Methods Mycoplasma kits and FQ-PCR were used to detect genitourinary Mycoplasma and Ct from suspected NGU patients, respectively. Constituent ratio of NGU pathogens and drug susceptibilities of Uu and Mh were analysed. Results In 886 samples, the detection rates of Uu, Mh and Ct were 41.4%, 7.7% and 14.4%, respectively. The infection rate in female was significantly higher than that in male. Both Uu and Mh were highly susceptible to Doxycycline and Josamycin while Uu was highly resistant to Roxithromycin, Ofloxacin and Sparfloxacin. Both Mh and Uu+Mh showed resistance to Roxithromycin, Azithromycin and Clarithromycin. Conclusion Uu is the major pathogen of NGU in Shangrao area. Doxycyclin and Josamycin are first-choice drugs for the treatment of genitourinary Mycoplasma infection.
Modern Medicine Journal of China
Ureaplasma urealyticum Mycoplasma hominis Chlamydia trachomatis Antibiotics Antimicrobial susceptibility testing