目的 观察马蔺子素对食管癌放疗的增敏作用及毒副反应。方法 1996 年1 月至1997 年8 月,将60 例胸中段髓质型食管鳞癌病人随机分为试验组和对照组。试验组:在放疗的同时口服马蔺子素胶囊2 次/ 日,110mg/ 次,直到放疗结束。放疗用60Co 或6MV或15MVX 射线为放射源,5 次/周,DT2 Gy/ 次,前后两野对穿照射DT40 Gy 后,再两野成角照射DT20 ~30Gy,中位剂量为DT66-1 Gy。对照组单纯放疗,其设野和剂量分别同试验组,中位剂量为DT68-6 Gy。结果 放疗结束时,试验组完全消退率(CR) 为53-33% ,对照组CR 为26-67% ,P< 0-05 ;放疗后3 个月CR分别为73-33 % 和46-67% ,依据40 Gy及60 Gy时病变消退情况计算的增敏比分别为1-68 和1-27。试验组出现的临床反应主要为恶心、呕吐和腹泻,发生率为56-6% ,高于对照组的30 % ,但病人均可耐受。结论 马蔺子素对食管癌有明显的放射增敏作用,毒副作用轻微,值得临床上进一步推广应用。
Objective To observe the radiosensitization and side effects of irrisquinones in combination with radiotherapy in treatment of esophageal cancer. Methods From January 1996 to August 1997,60 cases of esophageal cancer were randomly divided into two groups——the trial group (irisquinone plus irradiation,30 cases) and the control group(radiotherapy alone,30 cases).In the trial group,irisquinone provided by Shangdong Xinhua Pharmaceutical Factory was administered at 220mg/m 2/day (110mg/m 2,twice daily),in combination with radiotherapy throughout the course of treatment.Irradiation was administered with 1.25 MeV 60 Co γ rays and /or 6MV or 15MV X rays,2 Gy per day and 5 times per week.Total dose was about 60 70 Gy over 6 7 weeks,and the median doses to the trial group and the control group were 66.1 Gy and 68.6 Gy,respectively. Results At the end of treatment course,complete remission rate(CR) in the trial group was 53.33% whereas that in the control group was 26.67% ( P < 0.05), and three months later,the CR were 73.33% and 46.67%,respectively.Sensitization ratios of irrisquinones were 1.68 and 1.27 by the the partial remission at doses of 40 Gy and 60 Gy.The acute toxicity of irrisquinones were diarrhea,nausea and vomiting.The diarrhea rate was 56.6% in the trial group which was higher than that in the control group,but it was generally not severe and the patients were adapted to it soon without interruption of its administration. Conclusion Irrisquinones in combination with radiotherapy in treatment of esophageal cancer can increase the complete remission rate at the end of treatment course.
Chinese Journal of Radiological Medicine and Protection
Irrisquinones Esophageal carcinoma Radiotherapy Radiosensitizer