浙江中医主要学术流派的沿革 ,从元朝朱震亨的丹溪学派开始 ,下限至本世纪 80年代。丹溪学派以“阳有余、阴不足”立论 ,开创相应的滋阴降火的治法。晚明赵献可、张景岳创立温补学派 ,赵献可的命门学说对后世的中医基础理论有较深远的影响。明末清初 ,张遂辰、张志聪、张锡驹等创立钱塘学派 ,张志聪为集大成者。绍派伤寒 ,主要指绍兴地区为主的医家对于温热病 (尤其是湿温 )方面研究的一种学派 ,成熟于清末民初 ,流风余韵延伸至本世纪
The history of main academic TCM schools is described,beginning from Danxi school of Zhu Zhenheng of the Yuan dynasty to the 1980s.Established the theory of 'exuberant yang and insufficient yin”,Zhu set up the therapy of nourishing yin to decrease fire.In the late Ming dynasty,Zhao Xianke and Zhang Jingyue founded the warm-tonification school,Zhao's theory on vital gate exerted profound influence on he basic theory of later ages.At the turn of Ming-Qing dynasties,a Qiantang school was set up by Zhang Shuichen,Zhang Zhicong and Zhang Xijun,Zhang Zhi cong being the synthetizen.The Shao school of cold-disease refers mainly to the physicians in shaoxin region who studied the warm heat disorders(especially damp-warm diseases)which was mature at the turm of Qing dynasty and Republican period,whose influence remained until the 1980s.
Chinese Journal of Medical History