
移动电话使用与脑肿瘤病例-对照研究的Meta分析 被引量:1

Meta Analysis of Case-control Study of Mobile Phone Use and Brain Tumors
摘要 目的应用M eta分析方法总结移动电话使用与脑肿瘤的危险性之间的关系。方法搜索2000—2009年关于"移动电话使用和脑瘤关系"的文献,经过文献筛选和资料提取采用其中文献17篇。对各类型脑肿瘤的数据进行分层比较分析。结果分层分析结果显示神经胶质瘤组的合并OR值为0.84、95%CI为0.76~0.93,其中使用移动电话大于5年的合并OR值为0.88、95%CI为0.70~1.11;脑(脊)膜瘤组合并OR值为0.81、95%CI为0.72~0.90,其中使用移动电话大于5年的合并OR值为1.06、95%CI为0.81~1.40;听神经瘤组合并OR值为0.85、95%CI为0.68~1.06。结论移动电话的使用与脑肿瘤发生风险的增加没有显著相关性。 [Objective]To summary the relationship between mobile phone use and brain tumors with Meta analysis.[Methods]The relevant literatures on ' mobile phone use and brain tumor' from 2000 to 2009 were searched,17 were selected from them through literature screening and data extraction.The data of brain tumor were examined by stratification analysis.[Results]The results showed that the combined OR was 0.84 with 95% confidence interval(CI) of 0.76~0.93,and OR was 0.88(95% CI: 0.70~1.11) when the exposure was more than 5 years.For Meningioma,the combined OR was 0.81(95% CI: 0.72~0.90) and the combined OR(1.06,95% CI: 0.81~1.40) was observed for exposure of more than 5 years.For Acoustic neuromas,the combined OR was 0.85(95% CI: 0.68~1.06).[Conclusion]No evidences were found on an association between the use of mobile phone and the risk of brain tumors.
出处 《职业与健康》 CAS 2011年第8期848-852,共5页 Occupation and Health
关键词 移动电话 脑肿瘤 META分析 比值比 危险性 Mobile phone Brain tumor Meta analysis odds ratio risk
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