目的分析不同工龄噪声作业人员健康检查结果,探讨噪声作业工人工龄与高压高频听力损失的关系。方法对北京市怀柔辖区内1 630名工龄在1~20年的噪声作业人员按照《职业健康监护技术规范》的要求进行职业健康检查。结果高血压检出率随工龄增长成明显上升趋势,在16~20年组高达43.75%;心电图异常检出率和工龄长短之间没有明显差异;听力损失检出率和工龄长短相关,高频听力损失检出率和语频听力损失检出率在16~20年组高达63.33和9.38%。结论噪声作业工人高血压患病率和听力损失检出率有随工龄增长而有增高的趋势。
[Objective]To analyze the physical examination results of noise exposed workers with different service length,and discuss the relationship between service length and high frequency hearing loss of them.[Methods]In accordance with the "Occupational Health Surveillance Specification",occupational health examination was performed on 1 630 noise exposed workers with service length between 1 to 20 years.[Results]The detection rate of hypertension increased obviously with extending length of service,which was up to 43.75% in the 16 to 20 years group;detection rate of abnormal ECG was not significantly different between the length of service.Hearing loss detection related with the length of service.The high-frequency hearing loss detection rate and the detection rate of speech frequency hearing loss of 16 to 20 years group was up to 63.33 and 9.38%,respectively.[Conclusion]Hypertension prevalence and detection rate of hearing loss of noise exposed workers shows the increasing tendency with the extending length of service.
Occupation and Health