
生物机械学研究在康复工程中的应用 被引量:3

Application of Bio-mechanology Research in Rehabilitation Engineering
摘要 本文介绍了生物机械学及其在与运动功能康复有关的康复工程中的应用。以实例的形式给出了生物机械学在大腿假肢使用者滑倒问题中的生物机械学研究及其应用。康复工程与许多学科有关,其中运动功能康复与生物机械学关联性很强。康复工程中的生物机械学研究包括人体运动的功能模型,人与机械系统的交互原理与方法,人机结合界面,机械与人体功能的相互影响,人机一体化系统的设计与性能评定。这些问题的研究为运动功能康复提供了理论、方法和技术支撑;反之,康复工程又是生物机械学的重要应用领域,康复工程的需求促进生物机械学的发展,并为其提供活力。 Introduction of bio-mechanology research and its application in motor function rehabilitation engineering is given.As an application example,some research results related with slip gait of trans-femoral prosthesis users are also provided.Rehabilitation engineering is an area which related with many scientific and technological areas.,and motor function rehabilitation engineering is closely related with bio-mechnilogy.Bio-mechanology research in rehabilitation engineering involves modeling of human physiology functions,the communication principle,methods and interface between human and mechanical system,effects of mechanics on human biological functions and the design and evaluation of human-machine system.These research results provide fundamental theoretical method and technological supports for motor function rehabilitation engineering,whereas,the rehabilitation engineering is an important application area to bio-mechanology and its requirement promotes the development of bio-mechanology.
出处 《中国医疗设备》 2011年第4期1-4,共4页 China Medical Devices
关键词 康复工程 生物机械学 假肢安全性 rehabilitation engineering bio-mechanology prosthesis safety
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