
造百年中远 谱绚丽华章——纪念中远成立五十周年

Building up a century-old COSCO and making remarkable development
摘要 伴随着伟大祖同扬帆辉煌“十二五”开局之年的强劲步伐,我们迎来了中远五十周年生日。在这激动人心的时刻,我代表中远集团向长期以来关怀、关心和支持中远事业的各级领导、广大客户、合作伙伴、业界同仁、股东表示衷心感谢!向为中远耕耘弗献的各位前辈、广大员工表示衷心感谢! The article written by Capt.Wei Jiafu,President and CEO of China Ocean Shipping(Group)Company(COSCO),introduces the development of the Group in the past 50 years and forecasts its future.Established on April 27th,1961,COSCO owns and controls 790 modern merchant vessels with a total tonnage of 57.60 million DWTs at present.COSCO's shipping lines cover over 1,600 ports in more than 160 countries and regions worldwide,and its fleet size ranks the first in China and the second in the world. COSCO is positioned the first in China and the sixth in the world by container fleet size,and is also the first in the world by dry bulk fleet.It takes a lead in the world for comprehensive strengths of professional bulk,multiple-purpose vessel and special vessel fleet.Oil tanker fleet of COSCO is one of the super tanker fleets in the world.COSCO has combined the performance of corporate social responsibilities and corporate development strategies, and actively cultivated green competitiveness.It is gradually enhancing its position as a system integrator in international shipping,logistics and ports and ship-building and ship-repairing sectors and is marching towards a leading enterprise in global shipping industry under the principle of'globalized development, harmony and mutual benefits'and the century vision of'building up a century-old COSCO'.
作者 魏家福
出处 《中国远洋航务》 2011年第5期28-35,18,共8页 China Ocean Shipping Monthly








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