目的:确定ZCLA长爪沙鼠作为戊型肝炎病毒感染动物的可能性。方法:选取鉴定含有戊型肝炎病毒的患者粪便,PBS混匀制成10%的粪悬液后10-1原液浓度腹腔接种ZCLA长爪沙鼠100μl,分别收集实验第0,7,14,21,28,35,42,49天的粪便,荧光定量PCR测定接种粪悬液以及收集的粪便所含戊型肝炎病毒滴度。结果:ZCLA长爪沙鼠腹腔接种的粪悬液所含戊型肝炎病毒滴度为4.1×103 copies/g,实验第7天ZCLA长爪沙鼠出现粪便排毒现象并持续至第35天,第7天粪便中戊型肝炎病毒滴度最高,为1.9×103 copies/g,随着实验进程时间推移HEV滴度逐渐降低。呈现下降趋势,第42天和第49天粪便HEV检测均为阴性。对照组粪便HEV检测均为阴性。结论:ZCLA长爪沙鼠能够感染戊型肝炎病毒,可以考虑进一步应用于戊型肝炎病毒动物感染研究。
Objective:To determine the possibility of ZCLA Mongolian gerbils as infection animal of Hepatitis E Virus.Methods:We choose the stool of positive Hepatitis E Virus to inoculate ZCLA Mongolian gerbils via intraperitoneal route,stool samples were collected once a week for 7 weeks.By Real-time PCR detection.Results:We find every ZCLA Mongolian gerbil inoculated Hepatitis E Virus titers is 4.1×103 copies/g,the 7th day can detect the highest titer of Hepatitis E Virus about 1.9×103 copies/g,the postive stool lasted nearly 5 weeks and the titers of Hepatitis E Virus gradually decrease over time.Conclusion:Analyze the result of the experiment,we find ZCLA Mongolian gerbils could further used to the animal infection study of Hepatitis E Virus.
Chinese Journal of Health Laboratory Technology