
2001~2009年泰安市急性弛缓性麻痹病例监测分析 被引量:3

Analysis on Surveillance of AFP Cases in Tai'an City,2001-2009
摘要 [目的]评价泰安市无脊灰后急性弛缓性麻痹(AFP)病例监测工作质量,为其他传染病控制提供借鉴。[方法]对2001-2009年泰安市AFP病例监测资料进行分析。[结果]2001-2009年泰安市累积报告AFP病例198例,15岁以下人群年均报告发病率为2.55/10万。6县(市、区)15岁以下人群年均报告发病率,宁阳县为5.85/10万,泰山区为1.25/10万,岱岳区为1.65/10万,肥城市为2.35/10万,新泰市为2.03/10万,东平县为2.37/10万(P〈0.01)。198例AFP病例中,〈1-4岁的分别占11.62%、13.64%、12.63%、8.59%,5-9岁占26.26%,10-15岁占19.19%;男性占65.66%,女性占34.34%;报告时间5-10月的占66.67%;乡镇级医疗单位报告的占1.01%,县级医院报告的占32.83%,地(市)级医院报告的占50.00%,省级医院报告的占14.14%,主动搜索发现的占2.02%;及时报告率为97.98%,及时调查率为100.00%,及时随访率为98.48%。检测191例双份粪便标本,分离出32株肠道病毒,包括非脊灰肠道病毒19株,I-Ⅲ型脊灰疫苗株分别为4、3、6株,未检出脊灰野病毒。[结论]2001-2009年泰安市AFP病例各项监测指标均在较高水平,未发现脊灰野病毒引起的病例。 [Objective]To evaluate the quality of post-poliomyelitis AFP surveillance program,so as to provide reference for other disease control.[Methods]Analysis was made on AFP monitoring data in 2001-2009.[Results]In 2001-2009,there were 198 AFP cases reported in Tai'an,and the average annual reported incidence of people less than 15 years old was 2.55/105 The average annual reported incidence in 6 counties(cities,districts) was 5.85/105 in Ningyang,1.25/105 in Taishan district,1.65/105 in Daiyue district,2.35/105 in Feicheng city,2.03/105 in Xintai city,and 2.37/105 in Dongping county(P0.01),in 198 AFP patients,cases aged 1 accounted for 8.08%,cases aged 1,2,3,and 4 accounted for 11.62%,13.64%,12.63%,and 8.59% respectively,cases aged 5-9 accounted for 26.26%,10-15 accounted for 19.19%;and males accounted for 65.66% and females accounted for 34.34%;there was 66.67% reported in May-October;and 1.01% was reported by town-level medical units,50.00% was reported by city-level medical units,14.14% was reported by provincial-level medical units,2.02% was found by initiative searching,and the ratio of timely reporting was 97.96%,the ratio of timely investigation was 100.00%,and the ratio of timely follow-up was 98.48%.191 double-feces samples were tested,and 32 strains of enterovirus,including 19 strains of non-polio enterovirus,4 type I polio-vaccine strains,3 type Ⅱ,6 type Ⅲ and none wild poliovirus.[Conclusion]In 2001-2009,all AFP cases are at a higher level in monitoring indicators in Tai'an City,and f no cases of polio caused by wild virus have been found.
作者 谢学迎
出处 《预防医学论坛》 2011年第4期341-343,共3页 Preventive Medicine Tribune
关键词 免疫规划 脊髓灰质炎 急性弛缓性麻痹病例 监测 EPI Poliomyelitis AFP Monitoring
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