

Research on the Combined DC Transformer Based on Two-Transistor Forward Converters
摘要 随着电力电子技术的发展,出现利用电力电子器件构成的新型变压器。特别是具有输入电压和输出电压基本成比例特性的不可调压形式的直流变压器,得到了越来越多的人们关注。本文提出一种组合式双管正激直流变压器,详细地分析了其工作原理以及输入、输出特性、零电压条件,最后在原理样机上进行实验验证。实验结果证明理论分析的正确性。 With the development of power electronic technology, transformer function can be realized by using power devices. So the DC transformers whose voltage is not regulated are focused on in resent years. In this paper, a novel combined DC transformer based on two- transistor forward converters is proposed and is analyzed in detailed. And the output characteristic, zero-voltage switching condition is also discussed. At last, the experiment results verify the performance of the proposed DC transformer.
作者 张先进
出处 《电源世界》 2011年第4期28-31,24,共5页 The World of Power Supply
关键词 直流变压器零电压开关双管正激变换器 DC Transformer, Zero-voltage-switching, Two-transistor forward converter
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