
不同左室心肌Ganau构型的高血压患者血清NT-proBNP浓度的变化 被引量:1

摘要 目的研究不同心肌Ganau构型的高血压患者血清NT-proBNP浓度的变化。方法选取2009年6月—2010年6月于心内科门诊及心内科病房就诊的高血压患者共184例,按照不同心肌构型分为四组,左室正常构型组(A组),左室向心性重构组(B组),左室向心性肥厚组(C组),以及左室离心性肥厚组(D组),并测定各组血清NT-proBNP的浓度进行统计学分析。结果各组间血清NT-proBNP的浓度存在明显差异,P值均<0.05。结论随着心肌构型严重性的改变,血清NT-proBNP浓度也逐渐明显升高。 Objective To study the levels of serum N-Terminal oro-B-type natriuretic peptide on different left ventricular Ganau patterns in hypertension patients.Methods From 2009.6 to 2010.6,184 patients diagnosed for essential hypertension were selected in department of intracardiac.All patients were divided to four groups based on different patterns,they were normal patterns group(group A),concentric reconstitution group(group B),concentric hypertrophy group(group C) and eccentric hypertrophy group(group D).The level was measured in all subjectsResults It was found that the concentration of serum NT-proBNP in four groups was different,P0.05.ConclusionThe concentration of serum NT-proBNP is positive correlation with change of ventricular pattern severity.
作者 尹杰 段海燕
出处 《中国煤炭工业医学杂志》 2011年第4期491-493,共3页 Chinese Journal of Coal Industry Medicine
关键词 左室心肌 高血压 Ganau构型 血清NT-pro-BNP left ventricular hypertension Ganau patterns serum NT-proBNP
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