
空调列车不同载员情况下车厢内空气质量的调查 被引量:3

Investigation and Analysis on Air Quality in the Air-conditioned Passenger Train under Different Passenger Load Conditions
摘要 [目的]调查空调旅客列车不同载员情况下的空气质量及其影响因素,为空调旅客列车的技术改造和卫生管理提供依据。[方法]参照相关的标准和规定,对空调旅客列车运行时车厢内微小气候和空气质量等进行全程连续监测,结果采用空气质量指数法进行评价。[结果]空调列车欠员时空气质量指数为Ⅱ级,属尚清洁;超员时空气质量指数为Ⅲ级,属轻度污染。从最大质量分指数看CO_2为首要污染物。欠员和超员时CO_2超标率均达100%,超员时温度和相对湿度的超标率高于欠员(P<0.01),分别为40%和27.8%。CO_2浓度随着客流量增长而增加,CO浓度降低,温度也随着降低,Spearman秩相关系数分别为0.549,-0.449,-0.349,(P<0.01)。[结论]空调旅客列车硬座车厢超员时空气质量下降。 [ Objective ] To investigate and analyze the air quality in the air-conditioned train under different passenger load conditions. [ Methods ] Referring to the relevant standards and rules, the micro-climate and air quality of the air-conditioned passenger trains were monitored continuously. The measured data was analyzed with SPSS16.0. The results were evaluated with the Air Quality Index Method. [ Results ] When the air-conditioned train compartment was uuderloaded, the air quality index was in grade II , the air quality was still clean. When the compartment was overloaded, the air quality index was in grade IU, the air quality was lightly polluted. The maximum value of all air quality sub-indices ( Imax ) showed that CO2 was the primary pollutant. The exceeding rate of CO2 concentration was 100% whether the compartment was underloaded or overloaded. The exceeding rates of temperature and relative humidity in the compartment during overloading were 40.0% and 27.8%, significantly higher than during underloading (P 〈 0.01 ). With the increase of the passenger number, CO2 concentration increased, but CO concentration and the temperature decreased, the Spearman rank correlation coefficients were 0.549, -0.449 and -0.349 respectively( P〈0.01 ). [ Conclusion ] The air quality in an overloaded compartment was worse than underloaded one in air-conditioned passenger train.
作者 刘燕 李雅珍
出处 《环境与职业医学》 CAS 北大核心 2011年第4期237-239,共3页 Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine
关键词 空调旅客列车 不同载员情况 空气质量 空气质量指数法 air-conditioned passenger train different passenger load condition air quality air quality index method
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