
哈尔滨某污水处理厂挥发性有机物种分析 被引量:2

Analysis of volatile organic compounds come from wastewater treatment plant in Harbin
摘要 为了分析在城市污水处理过程中产生的挥发性有机物(VOCs),从哈尔滨某污水处理厂各单元采集空气与水体样本,利用GC/MS对空气样本化学成分进行分离鉴定。检测了各个污水处理单元逸散到大气中的VOCs种类,分析了污水处理过程中VOCs逸散的种类与水质变化关系。结果表明:污水处理厂逸散VOCs种类最多的单元为初沉池与污泥脱水间,分别为30和33种,逸散种类主要为小分子量烷烃、芳香性物质和萘。一级处理单元和厌氧池还检测到了卤代烃的存在,污泥脱水间的VOCs中检测到了苯硫酚和吲哚。 In order to analyse the volatile organic compounds(VOCs) come from WWTP during the process of urban sewage treatment.The air and water samples were collected from all units in WWTP.The air samples were extracted and identified by GC/MS.The atmospheric VOCs types from all WWTP units were tested.The relationship between VOCs types and the change of water quality were discussed.The units which volatilized the most types of VOCs were premier sedimentation and sludge dewatering room,the number of types were 33 and 30.In the whole WWTP,the main volatilizable types belonged to alkyl with small molecular weight,aromatic hydrocarbon material and naphthalene.Halogenated hydrocarbon were detected in primary treatment unit and anoxic tank.detected Phenylmercaptan and Indole were detected in sludge dewatering room.
出处 《黑龙江大学自然科学学报》 CAS 北大核心 2011年第2期246-249,253,共5页 Journal of Natural Science of Heilongjiang University
基金 城市水资源与水环境国家重点实验室开放基金资助项目(QA200902)
关键词 哈尔滨污水处理厂 挥发性有机物 GC/MS Harbin WWTP VOC GC/MS
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