

Advanced Fast Encoding of Video Based on Compressive Sensing
摘要 压缩采样或压缩传感是数据采样并同时压缩的新理论、新方法,是现在理论研究的热点。通过对CS视频编码的研究,提出了一种基于CS理论的改进型视频编码方法,所提的改进型方法结合使用SRM和GPSR算法,比原算法更加注重利用视频本身的特性和更为合理的观测数分配方法。 Compressive sampling or compressed sensing is a new technique for simultaneous data sampling and compression and also the current focus of theoretical research. In this paper, an advanced video encoding algorithm based compressive sensing theory is proposed. The video encoding framework combines the SRM and GPSR algorithm. Compared with the previous algorithm, proposed algorithm can pay more attention to the use of characteristics of the video sequence itself and more reasonable method of measurements distribution.
出处 《电视技术》 北大核心 2011年第9期27-29,共3页 Video Engineering
关键词 压缩采样 视频编解码器 GPSR SRM compressive sampling video codec GPSR SRM
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