
高纯铝瓷Procera ALLceram全冠修复的临床效果

Evaluation of Clinical Effect of Procera Allceram Crown
摘要 目的观察和评估高纯铝瓷Procera ALLceram全冠修复体临床应用效果。方法对因牙髓炎、根尖周炎、外伤、牙畸形、牙变色等各种原因造成需行牙冠修复的58例门诊患者,采用81个高纯铝瓷Procera ALLceram全冠修复体,修复3~24个月后按照美国公共健康协会的修正标准(USPHS)进行评估。结果 81件修复体,2件出现饰面瓷崩裂,3件修复体颜色为B级,余93.8%修复体在颜色、边缘着色、边缘密合度、继发龋及修复体碎裂等各项检查指标中均为A级。结论高纯铝瓷Procera ALLceram全冠修复体具有良好的修复效果。 Objective To observe and evaluate the clinical effect of procera allceram crown.Methods 81 procera allceram crowns were fabricated for 58 patients who needed crown therapy for pulpitis,periapical periodontitis,dental trauma,abnormal tooth and dental stain.The crowns were examined with a modified USPHS criteria 3~24 months after dental repairation.Results 2 crowns had undergone a fracture of the veneering porcelain.Color matches to adjacent for 3 crowns were graded B.93.8% of the remaining crowns in color match,marginal discoloration,marginal integrity,secondary dental caries,visible cracks were graded A.Conclusion A satisfying repair effect could be obtained by using procera allceram crown.
出处 《中国医科大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第4期314-315,318,共3页 Journal of China Medical University
关键词 Procera ALLceram 全瓷冠 Procera Allceram All-ceramic crown
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