
化学-机械祛腐法与传统车针祛腐法在乳牙活髓保存治疗中的效果分析 被引量:2

Evaluation of chemomechanical and traditional mechanical caries removal therapy in indirect pulp capping of primary molars
摘要 目的探讨化学-机械祛腐法与传统车针祛腐法对深龋近髓乳磨牙治疗结果的差异。方法选取2007年6月—2009年6月就诊患儿的638颗深龋近髓乳磨牙,分为化学-机械祛腐法和传统车针祛腐法两组,去除腐质后,护髓剂Ca(OH)2间接盖髓,含氟玻璃离子水门汀一次性填充,术后1个月~1年内门诊随诊。结果化学-机械祛腐法去龋活髓保存成功率95.3%;传统车针祛腐法去龋活髓保存成功率89.1%,二者有显著性差异(χ2=8.28,P<0.01)。结论化学-机械祛腐法在深龋近髓乳磨牙的治疗中可以更大程度地保存活髓,从而减少对后继恒牙发育的影响。 Objective To explore the difference of chemomechanical and traditional mechanical caries removal therapy in indirect pulp capping of primary molars.Methods From June 2007 to June 2009,638 primary molars with deep caries were studied.They were divided into two groups,one used chemomechanical method of Carisolv system,and another used traditional mechanical method.After removal caries set calcium hydroxide agent as protective base,glass ionomer cement were used to restore the teeth.The patients were followed-up for 1 month to 1 year.Results Successful rate of chemomechanical method and traditional method were 95.3% and 89.1% respectively.There was significant difference between the two groups(χ2=8.28,P0.01).Conclusion Chemomechanical method is more effective in keeping the pulp healthy when removing caries compared with traditional method,as to be a more promising method that made a little effect to permanent teeth.
出处 《临床军医杂志》 CAS 2011年第2期322-324,共3页 Clinical Journal of Medical Officers
关键词 化学去龋 龋齿 乳牙 间接盖髓 chemomechanical caries removal caries primary molars indirect pulp capping
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