
骨科围术期患者腹胀同低钠血症的关系 被引量:4

Relationship of Abdominal Distention to Hyponatremia in Orthopedic Perioperative Patients
摘要 目的探讨骨科围术期患者低钠血症与腹胀的关系。方法按血钠水平将1 963例年龄≥65岁的我院骨科住院患者分为低钠组和正常组,回顾性分析患者的临床表现、饮食、基础疾病及实验室检查等资料。结果 1 963例患者中,低钠血症为592例,两组患者的年龄、清蛋白、精神障碍、基础疾患、饮食量、住院时间比较,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。其中低钠患者在腹部体检时呈鼓音、B超示肠胀气的发生率达99.7%,正常组仅7.4%。结论低血钠是一常见临床问题,是疾病状态的一种表现,具有重要的临床预后意义。低钠血症时的腹部体征和B超表现非常普遍,对低血钠的评估有重要参考价值。 Objective To evaluate the relationship between abdominal distention(AD) and hyponatremia in orthopedic perioperative patients.Methods Based on serum sodium level,1 963 hospitalized patients(aged≥65) were divided into groups low-sodium and control.Data such as clinical manifestations,diet,underlying diseases and laboratory tests were analyzed retrospectively.Results In 1 963 patients,there were 592 hyponatremia.There was significant difference between 2 groups in age,albumin,mental disorders,underlying disease,food intake,length of hospital stay(P0.05);The incidence of tympany(in physical examinations) and intestinal tympanites was 99.7% in low-sodium group,7.4% in control group.Conclusion Hyponatremia,a common problem in clinic,is a manifestation of disease state,which is of great clinical prognostic significance.Abdominal signs and ultrasound manifestations is of important reference value.
机构地区 解放军第
出处 《中国全科医学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第12期1300-1301,1304,共3页 Chinese General Practice
关键词 围术期 矫形手术 低血钠 腹部胀气 Perioperative period Orthopaedic Hyponatremia Abdominal distention
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