
DTFMM:一种适应于WMSNs的多信道MAC协议 被引量:5

DTFMM:A Novel Multi-Channel MAC Protocol for Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks
摘要 基于分簇网络拓扑,提出了一种无冲突的分布式时分/频分多信道MAC协议,简称为DTFMM(Distributed time andfrequency division multi-channel MAC)。该协议主要由三部分组成:信道分配、簇内通信和簇间通信。首先,各簇首运行分布式信道分配算法选择簇内通信的信道,然后各簇内节点采用基于TDMA的信道访问方式与簇首通信,最后各簇首通过最小生成树路由将收集到的数据转发到基站。该协议最大的优点在于充分复用了可用的多信道频率资源,提高了网络吞吐量,更好地提供了对带宽要求很高的多媒体应用的支持。仿真结果表明,该协议具有良好的可分级性,而且在吞吐量、数据包传输延迟等方面均优于基于冲突的多信道协议MMSN。 This paper presents an energy efficient,scalable and collision free MAC protocol-DTFMM(Distributed Time and Frequency Division Multi-Channel MAC),which combines frequency and time division principles for medium sharing.It employs a distributed local coordinate algorithm for arbitrating channels among clusters to enable simultaneous non-interfering data collection.Intra-cluster transmissions are scheduled by the cluster head(CH)based on time slot.CHs aggregate the gathered data and forward it over inter-CH paths to the base-station.Distinct channels are adopted by the independent branches of the inter-CH routing tree.Data transmission and reception on a branch is further scheduled in depth-first ordering.DTFMM allows nodes to stay in sleep mode for the longest duration and thus it minimizes energy consumption.Simulation experiments demonstrate the superiority of DTFMM in terms of throughput and delay performance when compared with well-known protocol MMSN.
出处 《传感技术学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第3期452-457,共6页 Chinese Journal of Sensors and Actuators
基金 教育部博士点基金项目(20050699037) 航空科学基金项目(2010ZD53075)
关键词 无线多媒体传感器网络 TDMA 频分复用 多信道MAC wireless multimedia sensor networks distributed TDMA/FDMA multi-channel MAC
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