
汉语背景知识与英语阅读理解的相关性研究 被引量:1

On the Relevance between Chinese Prior Knowledge and English Reading Comprehension
摘要 本文以735名高中生为被试,研究高中生已有汉语背景知识对英语阅读理解的相关程度。假设汉语背景知识对英语阅读理解具有积极的影响,以"完形填空"的形式进行阅读理解测试,被试在每项选择后记录下自己的思维过程或答题理由。另外再施以与英语学习活动有关的问卷调查。研究表明,高中生已有汉语背景知识有助于他们的英语阅读理解。 This study investigates the effect of the Chinese prior knowledge on English reading comprehension of high school students.The participants are 735 Chinese students in a high school and the study is conducted with the hypothesis that their Chinese prior knowledge has a positive effect on their English reading comprehension.The reading comprehension tests are designed in the form of 'Cloze Test' and the participants are required to give reasons for each of their choices.A separate questionnaire concerning their English learning is preformed following the tests.The results indicate that the students' prior knowledge acquired in Chinese has a notably positive effect on their reading comprehension of English texts.
出处 《浙江社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第4期134-139,76,共7页 Zhejiang Social Sciences
关键词 汉语背景知识 英语阅读理解 相关性 高中生 Chinese Prior Knowledge,English Reading Comprehension,Relevance,High School Students
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