
乳腺癌患者长期管理策略研究 被引量:5

Strategy for long-term management of breast cancer patients
摘要 为了探讨乳腺癌患者长期管理的意义和影响因素及管理策略,对康复期乳腺癌患者面临的主要问题及影响长期管理的因素进行分析,同时对乳腺癌患者心理康复俱乐部"汝康沙龙"的实践经验进行阶段性总结。初步研究的结果发现,乳腺癌康复期患者面临着后继治疗不足及治疗依从性不好、复发监测不规范、心理障碍等影响乳腺癌患者长期管理效果的问题。良好的长期管理策略对于患者长期治疗依从性的提高,转移复发的系统监测,患者身心的完满康复都有积极的意义。而建立一个完善的、富有成效的乳腺癌患者康复组织,将有助于乳腺癌患者长期管理目标的实现。 The objective of this study was to discuss the significance,impact factors and long-term management strategy of breast cancer patients.The impact factors of long-term management and main problems faced by the rehabilitation breast cancer patients were analyzed.The practical experience of "Rukang Salon",which was the first psychological rehabilitation club for breast cancer patients in China at the same time was sumed up.Most of the rehabilitation breast cancer patients were confronted by lack of consecutive treatments,bad compliance,irregular relapse surveillance and psychological problems which also affected the long-term management.A favorable long-term management strategy and rehabilitation organizations were helpful for those problems.Porper long-term management strategy improved the treatment compliance,metastasis and relapse surveillance,and psychological recovery.It is helpful to contribute an effective rehabilitation organizations for achieve long-term management of breast cancer patients.
出处 《中华肿瘤防治杂志》 CAS 2010年第21期1781-1783,共3页 Chinese Journal of Cancer Prevention and Treatment
关键词 乳腺肿瘤 长期管理 康复中心 随访 breast neoplasms long-term management rehabilitation centers follow up
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