目的:了解医药期刊统计学符号编排规范,指导期刊统计学符号的编排.方法:把医药期刊分为4类,每类审读20种,共80种,按国家标准GB3358-82(统计学名词及符号>书写规定进行审读分析.结果:符号使用错误最多的是(x),s,X2,分别有6,6,5种期刊,而n,F,P未发现符号错误 正斜体错误最多的是X2,r,s,α和t,分别有29,11,8,8和7种期刊.非中文核心期刊符号错误和正斜体错误率最高,分别为75%(15种)和80%(16)种.中华医学系列杂志符号错误率最低,仅占10%(2种),大学学报较低,占20%(4种),大学学报的正斜体错误率最低,为20%(4种).结论:中华医学系列杂志的统计学符号编排最为规范,大学学报次之,非中文核心期刊不规范者较多.
Objective: To understand the layout standards of statistical symbols in medical periodicals published in China to guide the layout of statistical symbols in journals. Methods: The respondent medical periodicals were classified into four groups, with twenty periodicals in each group; and then the medical periodicals in each group were proofread and analyzed according to Chinese national standard GB3358-82 Statistical Terms and Symbols. Results: The symbols that were used wrongly the most were x, s, and2, which were used wrongly in 6, 6, and 5 respondent periodicals respectively; while no mistake for the symbols n, F, and P was found; The symbols with the most mistakes in upright or italic styles included x2 , r, s, α and t, which appeared in 29, 11, 8, 8 and 7 respondent periodicals respectively. The error rates of symbol layout and italic layout in the respondent periodicals not belonging to Chinese core periodicals are the highest, 75% (found in 15 respondent journals) and 80% (found in 16 respondent periodicals) respectively; the error rates of symbol layout in the respondent periodicals that were published by Chinese Medical Association (CMA) were the lowest, only 10% (found in 2 respondent periodicals), and the error rates of symbol layout in university journals were also lower, with 20% ( found in 4 respondent university journals). The error rate of upright and italic style in the respondent university journals were the lowest, 20% (found in 4 respondent university journals). Conclusion: Statistical symbol layouts in the respondent periodicals published by Chinese Medical Association (CMA) were the most normal, followed by the respondent university journals, and non-standard statistical symbol layouts in the respondent periodicals not belonging to Chinese core periodicals were higher.
Academic Journal of Guangzhou Medical College
medical periodicals
statistical symbols
layout standards