利用ANSYS结构分析程序对潘口水电站蜗壳进行整体三维有限元分析,探讨了垫层弹性模量、厚度及铺设范围对外包混凝土影响。通过方案对比可知,当垫层厚度为5 cm,材料弹性为2 MPa,包角为190°时,能显著减小蜗壳外围混凝土的受力。另外,针对座环与钢衬蝶形边处存在应力集中现象,提出可在此处留出10°范围不铺设垫层,通过加强该处的配筋解决受力问题。
The structure analysis program ANSYS was used for the analysis of spiral case in Pankou Hydropower Station. The effects of elastic modulus, thickness and placement extent of spiral case cushion layer on surrounding concrete were analyzed herein. The results show that the stress on surrounding concrete can be significantly reduced when with the thickness of 5 cm, elastic modulus of 2 MPa and wrapping angles of 190°. For dealing with the stress concentration in the joints of the stay ring and the steel lining butterfly side, the range with an angle of 10° can be without cushion layer and strengthened by the reinforcement.
Water Power